Saturday, February 23, 2013

Community Outreach

Todaday  had the opportunity to be at a neighborhood n community summitt with the mayor of orlando. It was an inspiring experience to meet so many people who care about our community.  What I learned today is not what my city csn do for me, but what I can do for my city. There is so much need in our community, families in need at risk youth, so much. Our city needs volunteers to reavh and help other. We all can be a help to someone else. Go and find out how you can help, we csn change our city one person and one family at a time. Sorry about the typos Im writing from my new tablet I bought so that I could blog every day for my english class

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Emotions: How to deal with them

Emotions are what makes us human. They are not negative or positive. How we demonstrate them is what can be consider negative or positive. One can not avoid them, therefore, we must learned to deal with them properly. It is best to be able to identify what emotions are being experienced instead of judging them. Remember, they are just emotions, just a feeling that will pass. Whether is anger, or happinness, know they do not last forever.

Excellency or Mediocrity

Excellence: the quality or condition of excelling; superiority. Something in which one excels. I have learned to excel in everything I do.  I have learned to give it my best- to give it my all. As a mother, as an employee, as a girlfriend, and as a student, I am doing the best I can.  Even though, things are not perfect, there is a sense of satisfaction because I know that I am doing my best and I am being reward it by.

I am not powerless

I have the power to make choices. I have a God-given gift. It is free-will. I am usually presented with a situation and different choices in how to deal with that particular situation. The problem comes in determining which one of those choices can help me deal with that situation better. Attempting to escape reality or ignoring the situation is not the answer. Courage is needed in life. Fear can cause a person to seek refuge in things that are not healthy.  That is bondage! I now that I am not powerless. I know that I do not have to run away from conflict or situations in life. Instead, I will be courages and face them. What about you?

Be careful with fear

Webster's dictionary defines fear  as a "feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger".
Fear can bread timidity to such a point that a person will play a role of someone else in order to overcome fear.  A person can even get to the point where he or she will compromise their code of conduct just to please someone else because they fear that person or are intimidated by it.  Bullies are everywhere, even in the workplace.  Just be mindful of who you are and what you stand for and do not be easily intimidated by others.


It is not easy to make decisions in life. Life is full of decisions. Everyone has to make decisions everyday. I want to give you an advice. Never, never make decision based on "impulse" or what "feels good" at the moment.  This can bring disaster to your life and the life of others.  Take some time and identify the decisions that have to be made. List all of the choices that you have. Take them through the process of elimination- which ones are harmful or beneficial. Then think about the possible outcome for that decision (form scenarios). Choose what is best for you and your loved one.

My Creed or Code of conduct

I have learned that I must set some standards for me to go by and live by.  This is my creed: I will love God and then my neighbors as I love myself, I will treat everyone of all races, religion, and culture with respect and consideration. I will act with honesty and integrity in my dealings. I will not spend money excessively. I will not go into unnecessary debt. I will be grateful with what I have right now. These are some of the standards I try to live by. What are yours?